Welcome to Whole Life Worship!

WholeLifeWorship is about inviting people to experience the amazing life of Jesus Christ 24/7 through the motivation of worshiping God. This website has blogs, devotionals and other resources created by Dr. Douglas Lee.

Dr. Lee is a pastor, consultant, worship leader, church planter, seminary professor, and mentor. He is currently the Lead Pastor of New Hope in Rancho Cucamonga, CA; a network of missional communities who live by WholeLifeWorship principles to be the hands, feet, and heart of Jesus to the world around us. He is also a Department Head at Artists for Christian Testimony Intl (A.C.T. Intl).

You can support the work of Dr. Lee through gifts to A.C.T. Intl. Just click on the box below. Your contributions are tax-deductible and are greatly appreciated!

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15595 Aerostar Court, Fontana, CA 92336