Experiencing God in our tasks


One of my daily tasks is to make Letty’s coffee and lunch early in the morning. It’s something that I want to do, as it gives her time to meet with God and to get ready to teach her students (she’s a Kindergarten teacher).

The other morning I was reminded of Colossians 3:23-24

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters … it is the Lord Christ you are serving.

I’ve always understood this to mean that as I serve others (such as my wife, in this instance), I am also serving the Lord. But what came to mind this morning was that, as I serve the Lord, he empowers me to serve and love others.

Sometimes when I go through my tasks, my focus is on “getting them done.” But this morning I was reminded that my serving is a way to love my wife and to love God. I also thought of how I am so very loved by Letty and the Lord. It caused me to want to do these very simple tasks with deep joy and affection.

I found myself enjoying these tasks, actually feeling a lift in my step as I moved from the fridge to the toaster oven to the coffee maker to the utensil drawer. It as if I were dancing to the rhythm of “love.” Even the motions of my arms as I made lunch and coffee were graceful in movement. It was a wonderful, but strange moment, as I felt the Spirit guiding my body and stirring my heart. For a brief time, I was elevated above the mundane while doing something completely everyday and ordinary.

It was truly a “sacrament of the present moment.” It reminded me that the Kingdom of heaven breaks into our common lives as we open them to God’s leading and directing.

My wife had no idea this was going on (until she reads this today). No one saw this happening in my kitchen. It was simply God and me “dancing” through a task of love.

I think this can happen more often. I hope it does. It’s what can take place when our whole lives are postured for worship in the everyday ordinary.

Have you experienced the supernatural presence of God in a common task?

How can you open a part of your everyday ordinary life to God today?

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